Q: What is the URL / website for the ContiShop? Is it the same?
A: The website is still accessed via the same website address / URL – www.contishop.com.au, it just directs to a new portal.
Q: Why is there a new portal?
A: The old site was becoming outdated and clunky to use. A newer backend program and different features should make it more user friendly.
Q: Will my password be the same as the old site? How do I set my password?
A: No, you will need to reset your password once you receive notification about the new site. You will be provided with a generic password to enter for the first time, and you must reset your password at this point. It can be the same password that you are currently using.
Q: How do I know what budget I have remaining? It isn’t displayed at the top like it once was.
A: Your current budget will be displayed on screen each time you log in (immediately after log in). While the amount won’t remain static in the top corner as it once did, it will be displayed and adjusted at the time of checkout.
Q: How do I check on previous order?
A: Initially, all old orders using the old site will disappear. However, there is an ‘orders’ tab in which you can look at past orders on the new site. There is the added bonus that you can use these past orders to generate new orders. You can use the past order exactly as it is or modified.
Q: I can’t find a store/dealer address in the address book?
A: We were unable to upload the entire customer list of addresses. Therefore we have included some popular retail addresses. You may be required to manually enter some addresses for their first use, however there is a ‘past address’ list on the right of the screen that you can select from / send to.
Q: Who do I contact if there is an issue with my order?
A: Andrew Wilson is still our main contact. His details will be listed under the ‘Contact Us’ section if you need to reach him. He can help with anything from site malfunctions, to order errors, to following up delivery information etc.